Types or Articles

Submission of manuscripts and articles to be considered for inclusion in the International Journal of CAR T-Cell Therapy will open in the summer of 2025.

When sending either a new manuscript or a presubmission inquiry to the International Journal of CAR T-Cell Therapy, authors must classify their submissions as one of the article types described below.

Most article types are subject to peer review, and certain article types — such as reviews and editorials — are usually solicited by the editors of the International Journal of CAR T-Cell Therapy although unsolicited submissions may be considered.


All individuals meeting the criteria for article authorship as defined by the  International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) must be named as article authors. There are no limits to the number of authors that can be submitted with manuscripts except for Letters to the Editor (maximum of three (3) authors) and Op-Eds/Editorials (maximum of two (2) authors).

Word-Count Limits

The general word-count limits for submitted manuscripts includes all information from introduction through conclusion or discussion. However, word-count excludes abstracts, figure legends, table notes and references. Manuscripts and abstracts far exceeding word-count limits will be returned to the authors unread.

Original Research/Article

Reports scientific results of original clinical research.
Maximum words: 3,900

  • Abstract
  • Maximum of five (5) tables and figures
  • Up to 40 references

Special Article

Reports scientific results of original research in such areas as economic policy, ethics, law, and health care delivery.
Maximum words: 2,800


  • Abstract
  • Maximum of five (5) tables and figures
  • Up to 40 references

Clinical Cases/Review

Generally describes clinical cases of up to three (3) patients. Each case much offer educational relevancy.
Maximum words: 2,100


  • Summary (100 words maximum)
  • Maximum of three (3) tables and figures
  • Up to 25 references

Clinical Problem Solving

Simulates step-by-step emergence of information/developments in clinical practice and describes how clinicians/clinical teams reason and respond in each iteration.
Maximum words: 2,700


  • Up to 15 references


Because the essence of review articles is selection and interpretation of existing literature, the editors of the International Journal of CAR T-Cell Therapy expect that authors of review articles will not have significant (financial) conflicts of interest with companies and/or their competitors in any of discussing clinical trials or specific products.

Note: Presubmission Inquiry is strongly recommended if a proposed review has not been solicited by an editor of the International Journal of CAR T-Cell Therapy .

Clinical Practice Review

Offers evidence-based review of topics relevant to practicing primary care and specialist physicians (but written for general audience, so may include material considered too introductory for specialists).
Maximum words: 2,500

Elements (Must State):

  • Clinical problem
  • Strategies and evidence
  • Areas of uncertainty
  • Guidelines from professional societies
  • Authors’ conclusions and recommendations

Elements (May include)

  • Small number of tables and figures
  • Up to 50 references

Other Review

Offers evidence-based review covering a wide variety of potential clinical and mechanistic subjects
Maximum words: 3,000


  • Maximum of five (5) figures and tables
  • Up to 75 references

Commentary, Op-Ed and Editorial

Articicles submitted for inclusion in this article offers commentary and analysis on a current-issue article published in the International Journal of CAR T-Cell Therapy .
Maximum words: 2,100


  • Maximum of one (1) figure or table
  • Up to 10 references

Clinical Perspectives

Articles submitted in this section, cover timely, relevant topics in health care and medicine in a brief, accessible style. They are offering readers a different, novel or oractice changing perspective on the development and application of CAR T-cell Therapies.
Maximum words: 2,100


  • Usually include one (1) figure or table
  • Maximum of five (5) references

Clinical Implications

Articles submitted in this section discusses a single preclinical journal paper, explaining findings and commenting on possible clinical applications and implications. Authors may not write commentary on their own work
Maximum words: 2,950


  • May include two (2) figure
  • Maximum of six (6) references

Letter to the Editor

Comment on recently published articles, novel cases, or other topics of current interest to the medical science and health care communities.
Maximum words: 950


  • May include two (2) figure
  • Maximum of six (6) references

Special Report / The Dossier

Articles in this section are designed to addresses miscellaneous topics of special interest to the medical community. Articles in this section can be submitted as part of a ‘dossier’ of up to 5 linked and associated articles
Maximum words: 2,900


  • Up to five (5) display items
  • Maximum of 30 references

Law, Ethics, and Human Rights or Health Policy

This section includes articles with descriptions of major court cases, policy statements, or areas of health policy.
Maximum words: 3,900


  • Maximum of five (5) tables and figures
  • Up to 40 references

Health, Medicine and Society

Artricles in this section covers the social aspects of medicine and health care, including medical, sociology, anthropology, history, and ethics.
Maximum words: 3,900


  • Maximum of five (5) tables and figures
  • Up to 40 references