Submit Your Manuscript

Submit Your Manuscript
Submission of manuscripts and articles for inclusion in the International Journal of CAR T-cell Therapy opens in early 2021. Manuscripts and articles may come from any country but must be written in Standard English.

Types of Publications
The International Journal of CAR T-Cell Therapy supports online publication of original research papers, reviews, letters, OP-Eds/editorials Clinical Trial Updates, Regulatory Updates and short communications and relevant News.

Manuscript Submission
To submit your manuscript, send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office of this journal. A manuscript acknowledgement number will be emailed to the corresponding author within 72 hours.

First time registration
First time users need to register before they can log in. You will receive a confirmation mail. Using the information in the email you can log in by selecting the author option from the menu at the top of the page and log in to the system. Submit your manuscript according to the instructions given by the online editorial manager. You will be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the same system using the same details. It is important to preserve the registration confirmation email.

Returning Authors
After you have initially set up your account you can use this to submit new manuscripts.

For questions related to online submissions, or if you encounter difficulty uploading your manuscript, please contact the journal offices via email.